About the Journal

Scope and Purpose

The JBioscHealth mission is to foster cognitive knowledge and scientific studies, contributing to the development of research and science in Brazil and abroad. The aim of the journal is to provide open access to foster the advancement of scientific research, by researchers working either in Brazil or abroad, and to spread new scientific methods and valuable results to the scientific community. The journal is open to the submission of articles by students (under the responsibility of at least one supervisor or a professional advisor), professors, and researchers from Brazil and abroad. The journal publishes several sorts of scientific papers, ranging from original articles, reviews, and case studies in different fields of knowledge in Portuguese and English. It is multidisciplinary in character, publishing scientific articles from the most wide-ranging fields of knowledge in Biology, Biomedicine, Environmental Sciences, Education Sciences, Health Sciences, Law, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Production Engineering, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Clinical and Surgical Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Human and Animal Morphology, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology, Public and Collective Health.

Evaluation Policies and Guidelines

Manuscript Assessment

After the article is submitted by the author of the research, the Editorial Board will receive the article and, consequently, will read it to verify whether the text is in accordance with the submission guidelines of the journal. The JBioscHealth adopted the "CrossRef Similarity Check" plagiarism detection software which analyzes the entire article in search of excerpts or the entire plagiarized text, if similarity is found, the article will be returned to be rewritten; if the correction is not complied with, the article will be rejected.

When submitting the article in English, the Brazilian author is required to attach, along with the article submission, a certificate from a specialized company, with a description of the translation services into English, proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors. Once the author submits the article in Portuguese, the English version of the title, abstract and keywords may not be just a conventional translation, instead it must be a specialized translation, with precise technical terms and words, otherwise your article may be rejected. FARO Publishing offers translation and proofreading services in English. If the author would like to hire this service, please ask for an estimate at jbh.suportetecnico@faroroseira.edu.br. This type of service will not imply in the acceptance of the article. Therefore, it is the author's responsibility to carry out the English version, using professional technical-scientific spelling and words in the text.

Provided the article is in full compliance with the Author Guidelines, the Editor-in-Chief may accept the article if the topic is relevant to the journal, forwarding the article for review. Accordingly, the article will be reviewed by invited reviewers and/or editorial board members. Upon completion of the review, the authors will be notified for necessary adjustments, and a letter will be sent in response to the reviewer's comments.

Prior to proceeding to the final stage, the Editorial Board may amend the text, improving the linguistic quality and comprehension of the figures/tables in the article. Once the article is revised, with the authors' response letter, the Chief Editor will make the final decision on whether or not to accept the article for publishing.

Open Access Policy

JBioscHealth provides immediate open access to its content based on the principle of rendering research and scientific work freely available to the entire national and international community, at no cost to readers or to educational and research institutions, thereby promoting research to the world. Only a small fee per article is charged for the maintenance and sustainability of the journal, but this fee will not be charged in the year 2023.

ISSN 2965-4424 - Online Journal

Similarity Identification and Plagiarism Prevention

JBioscHealth runs text similarity identification and plagiarism prevention service using CrossRef Similarity Check.

Article Publication Fee

In the year 2023, JBioscHealth will not charge authors the article publication fee of R$ 300.00 for Brazilian authors and will also not charge US$ 100 for foreign authors. Therefore, if the article is accepted for publication, both Brazilian and/or foreign authors will be exempt from the publication fee. The sustainability and maintenance of the journal in the year 2023 will be the responsibility of the Publisher "Faculdade de Roseira-FARO".

Authorship Contributions Statement

Authors are required to submit a Statement of Authorship Contributions, as an example of participation in the writing of the paper, drafting and composing the textual chapters, formatting, final proofreading, and author approval.